Saturday 30 April 2011

Listening Portfolio entry 8 (Movie on TV)

Source: Movie on Sky TV channel 2
Details: BEE MOVIE, Directed by Simon Smith and Steve Hickner
            Film in 2007


a) summarizing


a) Bee movie is an animated comedy film which is about the family of bee that encourage their newly college graduate children to choose for a job. Barry Benson is one of the main characters and he needs to select from work field of Bee Hive City, whatever career choice he made that would be for the rest of his life. Out of curiosity in outside world of Bee Hive, he tried to accompany with Pollen Jock groups to look around and observe about the job. The only one rule reminds for them is not to talk to human. The journey starts for Barry when he accidentally separated to the Pollen Jock and his life was in danger and save by beautiful and kind lady named Vanessa.  Barry can't control himself for gratitude to what she did so he refuse to obey the rule. Barry told everything to his best friend's Adam but he disagree to what Barry did.  He still insist to be friends with her until one day he saw in the grocery that the honey were stolen and sold by human. He also discover the Honey Farm where he meets Mooseblood the mosquito. Barry sued the human race by producing artificial honey and also by using smoke-machine to drug the bees with the help of Vanessa they won in the case without realising the result. They gathered all the honey until they end up of massive stock then no need for them to work. Without pollination the flowers and plants start to die even Vanessa's flower shop closed down. She wants to attend the Tournament of Rose Parade and Barry comes up the solution for the problem while in the airplane Barry accidentally knock out the pilots. Vanessa and him call for help and once again millions of bees prove their "Thinking Bee" which successfully landed the airplane and quickly started for the Pollen Jocks to do the job. Barry becomes the member of Pollen Jocks and also business partner of Vanessa in her flower shop with law firm business inside.


a) Watching English movie in TV is a very common and easy way of learning English. I remembered when I was young I used to watch English program even I don't understand totally what their talking about but because of movements and body language I could comprehend with episode. This is also where I get familiar with the sound or speech of English though it is American English. So I find very useful not only listening skill but also for comprehension spoken English. By using of summary strategy is very good which being able to challenge my self to what I've heard or learn from it and to organize the story. The funniest word I can't forget is what Mooseblood said: I'm already a bloodsucking parasite and all I need is a briefcase. And also what happened to the pilots, He said: Once bald, one's in a boat and both of them unconscious. These words links together and rhymes which is difficult to understand but makes me laugh afterwards.

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