Thursday 21 April 2011

Listening Portfolio entry 6 (radio news)

Details: April 21, 2011- at home


a) Listening for specific details
b) Noticing (take down notes)


a) Listening on radio news in so difficult for me because I don't really have time listening to it. I need to listen many times in order to understand unless I'm interested to the news so I just listen for specific details that I've heard for example about in Japan earthquake tsunami hit 20 kilometres and 80,000 people need to evacuate or stay in sports hall or gym. They mentioned "crippled and compelled to go" I don't quite understand. People allowed to visit their home for two hours to collect belongings and 6-9 months to shot down. About in Libya, two journalist died including award winning photographer Tim Hen??, and 100 casualties. About in Gulf of Mexico "Deepwater Horizon" Bp oil spill, 11 workers died, I heard "counterclaimed or suing Cameron International and Transitional??company I'm not sure about this. In Toronto a Chinese student died and the only witness was her boyfriend from Beijing while he was online chatting before the screen went blank.In Argentina another Bishop died and the witness was Christina Fernandez. There's a lot more news but I have to stop before I get dizzy.

b) By listening on the radio news, it is important to take down notes for me to remember what I've heard then I could analyse or review about it. Likewise what I have done in the letter A evaluation(above). And also for my new vocabulary words such as devastating, massive investment, besiege, re gig??(not sure) and shot down.


a) Frankly speaking not only I don't have time to listen in the radio news but also I'm not used to it even in my own language that is why I find it difficult. However, I realised the important of this listening strategy for me in the future. So I better give sometime.

b) By using noticing strategy is very important especially in radio news because you can't repeat it as many times as you can. I easily stray my attention or distracted by the others.

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