Monday 18 April 2011

Listening Portfolio entry 4(Recorded phone message)

April 19, 2011- 1.30am at home


a) Paying attention
b) Taking notes


a) I usually received recorded phone message because I am on call in the rest home as health care assistant and also when I'm applying for a job before. So paying attention is the first important strategies that we can do because we can't ask or reply straight away. It is essential especially if it is telling direction what to do or where to go? This website have a lot of feature for example on hold message, telephone etiquette, transferring callers, voice mail, taking message and many more. It depends what you would like to hear.

b) Taking notes or write down the important or critical message so that you would not forget or you do not need to dial again, anyway we can repeat it as many times as we can until we exactly understand every thing.
However, from the sample of an "on hold message" that they provide I don't quite understand the sense of humor on it for example, Farmers Brown, Bad Lawyer, Feeling Bloated and Fun with Cows.


a) By paying attention on recorded phone message I don't find it hard because the voice is very clear and usually they tried to make it clear and understandable especially in business because they don't want to lose costumers. Back in the Philippines I tried once training in the call centre so when I'm  listening on the etiquette of transferring in this website I remembered all the significant of telephone manners. The using of polite words or formal English. The right addressing to the costumer. Convey with the concerns and need to concise and precise the sentence      because the more caller you received or answered the more get paid. We need also to considerate right of the  costumer.

b) By taking notes we need to listen very carefully to the direction of the speaker over the phone for example, places, number, name, dates or days. Although it depends on the instruction, concerns or message. Actually I find difficulties in my listening over the phone but probably because of ear problem that is why I don't want to work in a call centre now.

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