Sunday 24 April 2011

Listening Portfolio entry 7 (Material designed for learners)

Source: BBC Learning English
             6 Minute ( Social Mobility)
Details: April 22,2011- 2pm at home


a) Pay attention and listen for the main idea
b) Noticing new words or things
c) Guessing


a) I choose this topic because I don't have any idea about social mobility this is my first time to encounter this kind word even it's only six minute keeps me interesting to know new things. I pay attention carefully because there's a question to be answered and to listen for the main idea. Firstly, I tried to get the meaning of the social mobility by understanding through the explanation of the speaker(Yvonne). She said: describe the extent an individual status can change in terms of their position in the social hierarchy. However, I could write it down the sentence but I don't quite understood or I can't explain it in my own words. So I still need to continue paying attention whereas there's no image to help me more. In addition, the more I listen the more I heard new things so it captivate my interest.

b) Noticing new words are very helpful in this listening because it adds to my memory and vocabulary list. Even sometime I don't hear the word quite often but when I encounter that word, it would be easy for me to remember or understand.
These are some of my new words that could add to my vocabulary list:
  1. social mobility
  2. social hierarchy
  3. correlation between
  4. crucial transition 
  5. consequences
  6. to seize        
c) By using the guessing strategy in this listening, I tried to figure out the meaning to what I've heard without looking to dictionary. These are some examples:
  1. social mobility-individual status can change in terms of their position in the social hierarchy.
  2. social hierarchy-class system
  3. correlation between- breaking the link
  4. crucial transition- important key decision
  5. consequences-the outcome of what we did
  6. to seize-get them


a) Paying attention is always important not only in the listening skills but also in every aspect of learning. Whereas I need to be interested to what I'm listening because it is difficult to catch up the new words especially without images or pictures. It's just like a sound without meaning at all,  and also it is very easy to forget. Understanding the main idea is also important for me, it keeps my interest as well. Just for example this topic social mobility even though I don't have an idea, it keeps my interest to learn new things. Now, I could explain this with my own words like "It can be individual or organisation that can be able to change their position in the class system.

b) Noticing new words always a good strategy for learners because not only improving my understanding in listening but also I can discover how to pronounce the words so I'm always going to use this strategy.

c) Guessing is always my first option especially in the exam when I was in High School and I found it effective.
Now, I find it more useful by using the information around the sentences or the contextual word. Before, I didn't use dictionary, then I wrote down the answered from the website and compared it.
For example:

  1. social mobility- person's position and privileges in the society to change(due to social background)
  2. social hierarchy- a system in which a people occupy different position based on their wealth or privileges available to them
  3. correlation between- a link or a close relation, between
  4. crucial transition- changes or alterations which  could prove important in the future
  5. consequences- the results of earlier decision or action  
  6. to seize- to take hold of quickly and firmly   

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