Monday 18 April 2011

Listening Portfolio entry 5(Interview on Youtube)

Source: Interview on Youtube by David Letterman with Selena Gomez

Details: April 19, 2011- 1pm at Unitec library


a) Paying attention
b) Write things down (noticing new word)
c) Using pause button to stop and think what I just heard
d) Deciding parts that weren't necessary for me to understand


a) I try to keep my attention on this interview to find new words and expression that I can't understand. For example momentarily stunt, as the matter of fact, and for heavens sake. Actually I could related or followed to what they're talking about in the first try of my listening but because I knew my weaknesses so tried to listen many times until I got the right grammar or tenses.David had a lot of repetitions like "your a kid, your still a kid, yeh, yeah, it's me and not you.

b) I write things down while I'm listening just to practice like dictation and also help me discover how words are exactly pronounced.
    example: a while ago they link the words all together "awhylago"
                   How many have _you_ been_ in?
    question tag: Is_it hard not to love in Paris, Isn't?
                        But I think that's good, Don't you?

c) I tried to pause button to stop and think the words I just heard because native speakers usually link the word, has accent and intonation. Then this is the time I always get confused when the words never heard or first time to hear. So for me to clear about it I need to use this strategies.

d) I decide to ignore some topic that is not important in this interview for example name of the group in the picture, I heard HOOTERS or something, I'm not sure! They mentioned fried pickles, fried butter, fried !!!


a) I can continue paying attention on this interview without stray or disturbance maybe because I'm used of listening with American movie or episode. Also maybe because I find it interesting to some cutey little girl like Selena Gomez. To their greetings I heard " Nice to meet you then she answered very nice to meet you."

b) I'm going to continue write things down because I find it very helpful for my vocabulary and remembering spelling.

c) Using pause button strategy is great because it helps me to clarify things and copy exactly what sound or words they pronounced.

d) This is my first time to decide not to focus on every topic I've heard because I intend to get bored when I'm listening so I guess it is effective.

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