Sunday 17 April 2011

Listening Portfolio entry 3(song)

Title of the song: Don't wanna be torn.
April 18,2011, 2.00pm at the library


a)  Reading lyrics while listening to the music.
b)  Try to get the main idea.
c)  Keep vocabulary list


a) Reading lyrics while listening to the music is often I do especially if I like the music and easy for me to memorise. I love singing with Karaoke because there's subtitle already. I find easy with this song because the words that written are simple.

b) I usually try to get the main idea through the title of the song and by the lyrics itself without looking in the dictionary, for example with this title "Don't wanna be torn" the first comes up in my mind is the past tense of tear which means a drop of water or liquid from our eyes when we cry and the other one is cutting the paper using hands. So I try to understand deeply through the lyrics. I saw the words "And the tears I'm cryin out" so I guest it all about problem or experiences that makes her cry.

c) Keeping vocabulary list is one of my important strategies because it helps me to remember things or words.
    example: wipe away, breaking apart, confusing, complicated, consuming


a) Listening to the music while reading lyrics is the common and good strategies for spoken English because it is easy to understand the meaning through beat, tone or expression of the singer. We could analyse if it is negative or positive. However, most of the song right now got a double meaning.

b) After listening I check the dictionary to be more cleared about the meaning then I found out that the meaning of this song was about deciding which of the two things you should do. I feel great when I learn something new so I better try again another one song like "Mile in these shoes by Jennifer Lopes."

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