Saturday 30 April 2011

Listening Portfolio entry 8 (Movie on TV)

Source: Movie on Sky TV channel 2
Details: BEE MOVIE, Directed by Simon Smith and Steve Hickner
            Film in 2007


a) summarizing


a) Bee movie is an animated comedy film which is about the family of bee that encourage their newly college graduate children to choose for a job. Barry Benson is one of the main characters and he needs to select from work field of Bee Hive City, whatever career choice he made that would be for the rest of his life. Out of curiosity in outside world of Bee Hive, he tried to accompany with Pollen Jock groups to look around and observe about the job. The only one rule reminds for them is not to talk to human. The journey starts for Barry when he accidentally separated to the Pollen Jock and his life was in danger and save by beautiful and kind lady named Vanessa.  Barry can't control himself for gratitude to what she did so he refuse to obey the rule. Barry told everything to his best friend's Adam but he disagree to what Barry did.  He still insist to be friends with her until one day he saw in the grocery that the honey were stolen and sold by human. He also discover the Honey Farm where he meets Mooseblood the mosquito. Barry sued the human race by producing artificial honey and also by using smoke-machine to drug the bees with the help of Vanessa they won in the case without realising the result. They gathered all the honey until they end up of massive stock then no need for them to work. Without pollination the flowers and plants start to die even Vanessa's flower shop closed down. She wants to attend the Tournament of Rose Parade and Barry comes up the solution for the problem while in the airplane Barry accidentally knock out the pilots. Vanessa and him call for help and once again millions of bees prove their "Thinking Bee" which successfully landed the airplane and quickly started for the Pollen Jocks to do the job. Barry becomes the member of Pollen Jocks and also business partner of Vanessa in her flower shop with law firm business inside.


a) Watching English movie in TV is a very common and easy way of learning English. I remembered when I was young I used to watch English program even I don't understand totally what their talking about but because of movements and body language I could comprehend with episode. This is also where I get familiar with the sound or speech of English though it is American English. So I find very useful not only listening skill but also for comprehension spoken English. By using of summary strategy is very good which being able to challenge my self to what I've heard or learn from it and to organize the story. The funniest word I can't forget is what Mooseblood said: I'm already a bloodsucking parasite and all I need is a briefcase. And also what happened to the pilots, He said: Once bald, one's in a boat and both of them unconscious. These words links together and rhymes which is difficult to understand but makes me laugh afterwards.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Listening Portfolio entry 7 (Material designed for learners)

Source: BBC Learning English
             6 Minute ( Social Mobility)
Details: April 22,2011- 2pm at home


a) Pay attention and listen for the main idea
b) Noticing new words or things
c) Guessing


a) I choose this topic because I don't have any idea about social mobility this is my first time to encounter this kind word even it's only six minute keeps me interesting to know new things. I pay attention carefully because there's a question to be answered and to listen for the main idea. Firstly, I tried to get the meaning of the social mobility by understanding through the explanation of the speaker(Yvonne). She said: describe the extent an individual status can change in terms of their position in the social hierarchy. However, I could write it down the sentence but I don't quite understood or I can't explain it in my own words. So I still need to continue paying attention whereas there's no image to help me more. In addition, the more I listen the more I heard new things so it captivate my interest.

b) Noticing new words are very helpful in this listening because it adds to my memory and vocabulary list. Even sometime I don't hear the word quite often but when I encounter that word, it would be easy for me to remember or understand.
These are some of my new words that could add to my vocabulary list:
  1. social mobility
  2. social hierarchy
  3. correlation between
  4. crucial transition 
  5. consequences
  6. to seize        
c) By using the guessing strategy in this listening, I tried to figure out the meaning to what I've heard without looking to dictionary. These are some examples:
  1. social mobility-individual status can change in terms of their position in the social hierarchy.
  2. social hierarchy-class system
  3. correlation between- breaking the link
  4. crucial transition- important key decision
  5. consequences-the outcome of what we did
  6. to seize-get them


a) Paying attention is always important not only in the listening skills but also in every aspect of learning. Whereas I need to be interested to what I'm listening because it is difficult to catch up the new words especially without images or pictures. It's just like a sound without meaning at all,  and also it is very easy to forget. Understanding the main idea is also important for me, it keeps my interest as well. Just for example this topic social mobility even though I don't have an idea, it keeps my interest to learn new things. Now, I could explain this with my own words like "It can be individual or organisation that can be able to change their position in the class system.

b) Noticing new words always a good strategy for learners because not only improving my understanding in listening but also I can discover how to pronounce the words so I'm always going to use this strategy.

c) Guessing is always my first option especially in the exam when I was in High School and I found it effective.
Now, I find it more useful by using the information around the sentences or the contextual word. Before, I didn't use dictionary, then I wrote down the answered from the website and compared it.
For example:

  1. social mobility- person's position and privileges in the society to change(due to social background)
  2. social hierarchy- a system in which a people occupy different position based on their wealth or privileges available to them
  3. correlation between- a link or a close relation, between
  4. crucial transition- changes or alterations which  could prove important in the future
  5. consequences- the results of earlier decision or action  
  6. to seize- to take hold of quickly and firmly   

Thursday 21 April 2011

Listening Portfolio entry 6 (radio news)

Details: April 21, 2011- at home


a) Listening for specific details
b) Noticing (take down notes)


a) Listening on radio news in so difficult for me because I don't really have time listening to it. I need to listen many times in order to understand unless I'm interested to the news so I just listen for specific details that I've heard for example about in Japan earthquake tsunami hit 20 kilometres and 80,000 people need to evacuate or stay in sports hall or gym. They mentioned "crippled and compelled to go" I don't quite understand. People allowed to visit their home for two hours to collect belongings and 6-9 months to shot down. About in Libya, two journalist died including award winning photographer Tim Hen??, and 100 casualties. About in Gulf of Mexico "Deepwater Horizon" Bp oil spill, 11 workers died, I heard "counterclaimed or suing Cameron International and Transitional??company I'm not sure about this. In Toronto a Chinese student died and the only witness was her boyfriend from Beijing while he was online chatting before the screen went blank.In Argentina another Bishop died and the witness was Christina Fernandez. There's a lot more news but I have to stop before I get dizzy.

b) By listening on the radio news, it is important to take down notes for me to remember what I've heard then I could analyse or review about it. Likewise what I have done in the letter A evaluation(above). And also for my new vocabulary words such as devastating, massive investment, besiege, re gig??(not sure) and shot down.


a) Frankly speaking not only I don't have time to listen in the radio news but also I'm not used to it even in my own language that is why I find it difficult. However, I realised the important of this listening strategy for me in the future. So I better give sometime.

b) By using noticing strategy is very important especially in radio news because you can't repeat it as many times as you can. I easily stray my attention or distracted by the others.

Monday 18 April 2011

Listening Portfolio entry 5(Interview on Youtube)

Source: Interview on Youtube by David Letterman with Selena Gomez

Details: April 19, 2011- 1pm at Unitec library


a) Paying attention
b) Write things down (noticing new word)
c) Using pause button to stop and think what I just heard
d) Deciding parts that weren't necessary for me to understand


a) I try to keep my attention on this interview to find new words and expression that I can't understand. For example momentarily stunt, as the matter of fact, and for heavens sake. Actually I could related or followed to what they're talking about in the first try of my listening but because I knew my weaknesses so tried to listen many times until I got the right grammar or tenses.David had a lot of repetitions like "your a kid, your still a kid, yeh, yeah, it's me and not you.

b) I write things down while I'm listening just to practice like dictation and also help me discover how words are exactly pronounced.
    example: a while ago they link the words all together "awhylago"
                   How many have _you_ been_ in?
    question tag: Is_it hard not to love in Paris, Isn't?
                        But I think that's good, Don't you?

c) I tried to pause button to stop and think the words I just heard because native speakers usually link the word, has accent and intonation. Then this is the time I always get confused when the words never heard or first time to hear. So for me to clear about it I need to use this strategies.

d) I decide to ignore some topic that is not important in this interview for example name of the group in the picture, I heard HOOTERS or something, I'm not sure! They mentioned fried pickles, fried butter, fried !!!


a) I can continue paying attention on this interview without stray or disturbance maybe because I'm used of listening with American movie or episode. Also maybe because I find it interesting to some cutey little girl like Selena Gomez. To their greetings I heard " Nice to meet you then she answered very nice to meet you."

b) I'm going to continue write things down because I find it very helpful for my vocabulary and remembering spelling.

c) Using pause button strategy is great because it helps me to clarify things and copy exactly what sound or words they pronounced.

d) This is my first time to decide not to focus on every topic I've heard because I intend to get bored when I'm listening so I guess it is effective.

Listening Portfolio entry 4(Recorded phone message)

April 19, 2011- 1.30am at home


a) Paying attention
b) Taking notes


a) I usually received recorded phone message because I am on call in the rest home as health care assistant and also when I'm applying for a job before. So paying attention is the first important strategies that we can do because we can't ask or reply straight away. It is essential especially if it is telling direction what to do or where to go? This website have a lot of feature for example on hold message, telephone etiquette, transferring callers, voice mail, taking message and many more. It depends what you would like to hear.

b) Taking notes or write down the important or critical message so that you would not forget or you do not need to dial again, anyway we can repeat it as many times as we can until we exactly understand every thing.
However, from the sample of an "on hold message" that they provide I don't quite understand the sense of humor on it for example, Farmers Brown, Bad Lawyer, Feeling Bloated and Fun with Cows.


a) By paying attention on recorded phone message I don't find it hard because the voice is very clear and usually they tried to make it clear and understandable especially in business because they don't want to lose costumers. Back in the Philippines I tried once training in the call centre so when I'm  listening on the etiquette of transferring in this website I remembered all the significant of telephone manners. The using of polite words or formal English. The right addressing to the costumer. Convey with the concerns and need to concise and precise the sentence      because the more caller you received or answered the more get paid. We need also to considerate right of the  costumer.

b) By taking notes we need to listen very carefully to the direction of the speaker over the phone for example, places, number, name, dates or days. Although it depends on the instruction, concerns or message. Actually I find difficulties in my listening over the phone but probably because of ear problem that is why I don't want to work in a call centre now.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Listening Portfolio entry 3(song)

Title of the song: Don't wanna be torn.
April 18,2011, 2.00pm at the library


a)  Reading lyrics while listening to the music.
b)  Try to get the main idea.
c)  Keep vocabulary list


a) Reading lyrics while listening to the music is often I do especially if I like the music and easy for me to memorise. I love singing with Karaoke because there's subtitle already. I find easy with this song because the words that written are simple.

b) I usually try to get the main idea through the title of the song and by the lyrics itself without looking in the dictionary, for example with this title "Don't wanna be torn" the first comes up in my mind is the past tense of tear which means a drop of water or liquid from our eyes when we cry and the other one is cutting the paper using hands. So I try to understand deeply through the lyrics. I saw the words "And the tears I'm cryin out" so I guest it all about problem or experiences that makes her cry.

c) Keeping vocabulary list is one of my important strategies because it helps me to remember things or words.
    example: wipe away, breaking apart, confusing, complicated, consuming


a) Listening to the music while reading lyrics is the common and good strategies for spoken English because it is easy to understand the meaning through beat, tone or expression of the singer. We could analyse if it is negative or positive. However, most of the song right now got a double meaning.

b) After listening I check the dictionary to be more cleared about the meaning then I found out that the meaning of this song was about deciding which of the two things you should do. I feel great when I learn something new so I better try again another one song like "Mile in these shoes by Jennifer Lopes."