Monday 27 June 2011

TBS 2 "How to do"

How to Find the Road to Paradise

 People are travelling around the world searching for a better life, good land and good weather condition, peace and unity, happiness and long-life. In spite of all these reasons, what else could we think of? All of these reasons can be described in one word, “Paradise”. Why do people try to search for this kind of place, even those indigenous people who don’t have enough knowledge about the other side of the world?

 Some distant countries are claiming that their land is a paradise. Also some Islands are promoting about the lost paradise. But after awhile people get crowded and start destroying the place or even become greedy. Then the place that used to be a paradise is now ruined and soon will vanish. Nevertheless, majority of the world believed that paradise is in heaven. How true is this?
Back to Bible times, the first couple lived on a paradise when they were still perfect (no sin). The inspired scriptures describe further what life will be in Paradise.
*       Man and beast will live in peace. – Isaiah 11:6-8 ; Isaiah 65:25
*        No more wars and violence. – Psalm 37:10, 11; 46:9
*        The human family will be united in love. – Isaiah 32:18
*        Ample food and homes for all. – Psalm 72:16
*        No more sickness and death. – Revelation 21:4 ; Isaiah 33:35,36
*        The resurrection of the dead. – Acts 24:15
*        The wicked will be cut off. – Proverbs2:21,22 ; Psalm37:28,29
      How do we know that we are on the point of entering God’s Paradise? In his divine word he foretold certain events that would be a sign that Paradise was at hand.
*        Wars, earthquakes, pestilences and famines. – Luke21:10,11 ; Revelation 6:5,6,8
*        Lawlessness. – Matthew 24:12
*        Man’s ruining of the earth. – Revelation 11: 18
*        Indifference toward divine warnings. – Matthew 24:39
*        Critical times, selfishness. – 2 Timothy 3:1-5
*        Global preaching of God’s Kingdom. – Matthew 24:14

     How can we enter into God’s promised Paradise? We are being encouraged by God and Jesus Christ to read the Bible carefully:
*        “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you    sent forth, Jesus Christ.” – John 17:3
*        We must come to know the truths of God’s Word, by searching like hidden treasures. – Proverbs 2:4
*       We must also put into practice what we learn, as the Creator ordains: “This is the way, Walk in it, you people” – Isaiah 30:21
*      God’s purpose to restore the earth to a paradise will be fulfilled under his Kingdom and by appointing Jesus Christ, his son. – Daniel 2:44, Isaiah 9:6

When and how God’s Kingdom will bring back the earth into paradise? There are many more prevailing truths that we can trust from the Bible. We just need to buy out time to spend reading it!                                                                                                                                                                       

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