Sunday 5 June 2011

Speaking Portfolio 3rd Blog (Week9)

Context of the conversation
May 13, Friday at 2pm, I had another appointment in career centre with Michelle Daly. She is a student employment advisor which help the student how to write or upgrade(update) curriculum vitae (CV) and also cover letter. This was advised by Yolanda as one of the pathway that I need to do because I am looking for full-time job.

Cultural aspect or difference
Although, I didn't find any new cultural differences or cultural aspect in our conversation but it reminds me  something about New Zealand that asking the age or year of birth is not appropriate because she asked me "would you mind if I asked some details about you and this was one of the question." then I said no, it's fine. And also I remembered in some of my interview that I need to fill-up. They don't specify asking about the age just on bracket that you need to tick. Now, I understand the reason why. Compare to our country we don't mind to ask the age and in every application you need to specify your age and complete date birth.

Critical Reflection 
Our conversation flows really well because she talks slowly and very clear so I don't find difficulties with her like usual conversation with native speaker. This is what I realised and observed to myself and with educated native speaker. First, about myself when I'm talking I could easily answered and understand the words that they want to convey except when I feel nervous I can't say anything at all but that is natural. Second about educated native speaker they are very polite and they pronounce the words clearly, not like conversation with normal native speaker. I don't experienced any lacking of vocabulary  in this situation because I had this before in the Philippines but on that time I struggled so much because of nervousness. I only use hesitation in the beginning because I don't have the cover letter print out but it was in my email and I asked her if it's alright to print it out. I knew it's not appropriate or proper in that kind of situation. It has to be prepared that's why I said Ah! ahh! I'm very sorry, I thougth what I've got here in my flash drive is the latest CV with cover letter.

Evaluation of the conversation
I think, I've done really well hear also because I don't encounter any problem with my speaking and listening. The usual or typical word we used in introducing our selves in first meet. For example, she said "Hi! I'm Michelle and you must be Laylani? then I answered "Yes I'm Laylani Bayutas nice to meet you." She answered back "Nice to meet you also" It ended with my sentence like "Thank you very much for your time." she said "It's my pleasure to help student like you to persue a better career." I tried to used what I've learned from the class the encouragement like "yeah, your right, okay" because she asked "maybe it's better to put interest rather than skills." I remembered only one word I asked to repeat, I said "sorry come again. What do you mean by speculative? When she said speculation, my brain works with the spelling and word family to get the meaning even though she still explaining about it. I think every time, I talked to professional native speaker, I don't have problem. I did very well.

Vocabulary and Linguistic Features
Michelle said "what sort of job your looking for? There are different between applying for a job with advertisement and speculative job. The more chances you interact with the people the more opportunity you may have. Your objectives and cover letter are very in general, should be specific. What do you think your qualities or skills? To overview your situation." then I replied "At the moment I don't nee to be fussy or choosy. I'm preferred to be more flexible to suit in any kind of job. I don't mind working in the rest home or as a cleaner or janitors. We talked about skilled profile, professional development, being hard worker and punctuality.
I don't find any linguistic features maybe because my brain doesn't focus anymore with it or probably I'm used to it. However, At the beginning when she asked me what sort of job your looking for? I answered: At the moment...(the same as the above) then she said "okey so it's just like speculative job search." I answered "something like that but actually I'm working already as health care assistant part time" Michelle said "Oh! really so what is the purpose of" then I explained "that I'm looking full time job offer in order to help my residency and at the same time I can afford to bring my kids to school" then she overview the information I gave before we proceed the conversation. What I've learned from this, I have to answer directly to the question before I mention any topic or situation. And also I need to continue memorising, searching new vocabulary especially word family that will help my successful conversation to any native speakers.

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