Wednesday 1 June 2011

Speaking Portfolio 2nd Blog (Week8)

Context of the conversation
May 9, 2011, I had an appointment with Yolanda van den Bemd from career center at Unitec. She is a career consultant and I asked for an advise for my career pathway. It lasted for an hour and I'm happy on the outcome of our conversation. Not only she gave me a clear view of decision or path way but also I feel comportable with her as I'm talking to my mother, what a coincidence that she has the same name with my mother.

Cultural Difference
I don't remember or find any cultural aspect or differences in our conversation. However, I've noticed myself that when I'm talking to native speaker, I could follow out the way they talk not like with the other speakers such as Asian, Pacific Islander and Indian. And also I find out that the career center is fully supportive to the student until they find the career that are suited or satisfied to them even they are not enrolled anymore not like in our country. If your not enrolled or you are already finished studies the obligation was also finished.

Critical Reflection
Our conversation flows very well because I'm prepared for the conversation. I know what to ask or the purpose of this appointment. This is one of my strength in Spoken English if I'm prepared and knew what is going to talk about, there will be no problem at all. She introduced herself and great me then I said: " finally, we've met, I'm glad to meet you" because before that appointment, we talked over the phone about my concerns before I started this semester. Our conversation ended with the words like, "I'm very please and happy with your advised, Thank you very much for your time and she answered; "It's my pleasure to help you, Hope to see you again." She speaks very clear that's why I don't find any difficulties.

Evaluation of the conversation
This appointment is the continuation only of our conversation over the phone, so it works really well. To keep the conversation going, she say encouragement like "mmh, yeah, okay go on," because at first I'm the one who's talking so much then on her turn I tried to do the same and also I said "Your right, its true" "sort of, maybe." I don't find any language problems except for one question she asked: "How did you noticed about career centre? then I replied "sorry" but it doesn't mean I don't understand, it's just happened that I'm thinking another thing or concern to ask for her. Anyway, she explain to another sentence like "How did I get the information about career centre." then I replied: "Through Margaret Ghio she refers me to seek an advise here."

Vocabulary and Linguistic Features
Yolanda mentioned about "In my perspective view after listening to you..""Your so amazing with your creativity.""Your naturally good at" because I showed her my portfolio in Interior Design. " to make it less stressful and less pressure to you" "Does it sound logic to you?" or "Does it make sense to you" "you need to up to date your CV."
I tried to explain my situation, "what's bothering me, I can't concentrate with something, I'm planing to pursue my studies to become a teacher of arts someday because I would like to share my knowledge or talent." And also "I don't want to be fuzzy when it comes to job as long as they would give me a job offer that would help my resident application with the immigration. Sometimes, I had hesitation like "ah" because I forgot the word but instead of keep saying "ah" I would rather tell the truth that I can't remember the word. I mentioned The word "exposed." then she said "yeah,your right."
With this experienced it builds up more my confidence in speaking to native speaker. Although, I find myself easy to talk to native speaker compared to others I need to be consistent with my pronunciation and tried to be less accented.

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