Monday 6 June 2011

Speaking Portfolio 4th Blog (week10)

Context of the conversation
May 21, Saturday, I am usually working in the weekends because I was given a work permit for 20 hours so I'm very glad that I could practiced straight away what I've learned from the class. This conversation is about how to make a report when there is a complaint. I asked one of my colleague about this.

Cultural aspect or differences
One thing I remembered when I'm talking to my colleague was not appropriate to ask them about " how much they earning or wages because it was to personalise but compared to our country there is no problem, they won't mind. In my the job interview before it is alright to negotiate about the wages you prefer or expect.

Critical Reflection
This conversation is very usual for me because I've been working in the rest home for six months now so I don't find any difficulties talking to them right now compared in my first few weeks. I asked my co-worker directly "How to make a report when there is a complaint by the residents or us if there's any? She had  showed me a complaint letter or a form that needs to fill-up, then make a report from a diary or log book. It ended when we realised that the smoko time had gone or finished and she said, "well, time is up we need to continue working."

Evaluation of the conversation 
In our conversation, I usually ask what is the meaning of the word she said if I didn't understand, or sometimes I ask to spell it because sometimes I know the words but they pronounce it differently. When I forget the words or the right word for the sentences, I tried to explain, give example or illustrate for them to understand then I said, " did you get what I mean or did you understand. Like what I mentioned before I struggled so much in the conversation with them because most of them are Pacific Islander but now, I feel comfortable and confident talking to them. It flows smoothly even though sometimes she talks so fast.

Vocabulary and Linguistic Features
She said like "that man is very nuisance today" "he barricade himself" "he is a bit strafe" because while we were having our breaks, I need to look after one of the residents that has a Alzheimer disease so I've learned or heard some of these words. About the topic I've learned "needs to be black and white" means if we are going to do a report or complaint. It has to be written down clearly and be specific with the report. It needs to report immediately any observed anticipated health and dangers happened. In addition, it must ensure that complainant's privacy, dignity and confidentiality is respected and under no circumstance compromised. State the nature of the complaint. After that I said " its very complicated to do the report because it is a legal document." "I clarify about the designation." "What about if there's a contravention about the residents if they don't tell the truth." then she said "what do you mean contravention?" I answered: "contrast or conflict." I used fillers like "I guest and You know" when I explain something.
The Tongan and Maori got a little bit of similarity of intonation and pitch. Now we are learning about intonation and I found out that through pitch or intonation of the speaker, we could understand the different meaning, feelings and attitude of the speaker. And also what country they came from, so probably I will continue focusing and analysing on this part.

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