Monday 27 June 2011

TBS 2 "How to do"

How to Find the Road to Paradise

 People are travelling around the world searching for a better life, good land and good weather condition, peace and unity, happiness and long-life. In spite of all these reasons, what else could we think of? All of these reasons can be described in one word, “Paradise”. Why do people try to search for this kind of place, even those indigenous people who don’t have enough knowledge about the other side of the world?

 Some distant countries are claiming that their land is a paradise. Also some Islands are promoting about the lost paradise. But after awhile people get crowded and start destroying the place or even become greedy. Then the place that used to be a paradise is now ruined and soon will vanish. Nevertheless, majority of the world believed that paradise is in heaven. How true is this?
Back to Bible times, the first couple lived on a paradise when they were still perfect (no sin). The inspired scriptures describe further what life will be in Paradise.
*       Man and beast will live in peace. – Isaiah 11:6-8 ; Isaiah 65:25
*        No more wars and violence. – Psalm 37:10, 11; 46:9
*        The human family will be united in love. – Isaiah 32:18
*        Ample food and homes for all. – Psalm 72:16
*        No more sickness and death. – Revelation 21:4 ; Isaiah 33:35,36
*        The resurrection of the dead. – Acts 24:15
*        The wicked will be cut off. – Proverbs2:21,22 ; Psalm37:28,29
      How do we know that we are on the point of entering God’s Paradise? In his divine word he foretold certain events that would be a sign that Paradise was at hand.
*        Wars, earthquakes, pestilences and famines. – Luke21:10,11 ; Revelation 6:5,6,8
*        Lawlessness. – Matthew 24:12
*        Man’s ruining of the earth. – Revelation 11: 18
*        Indifference toward divine warnings. – Matthew 24:39
*        Critical times, selfishness. – 2 Timothy 3:1-5
*        Global preaching of God’s Kingdom. – Matthew 24:14

     How can we enter into God’s promised Paradise? We are being encouraged by God and Jesus Christ to read the Bible carefully:
*        “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you    sent forth, Jesus Christ.” – John 17:3
*        We must come to know the truths of God’s Word, by searching like hidden treasures. – Proverbs 2:4
*       We must also put into practice what we learn, as the Creator ordains: “This is the way, Walk in it, you people” – Isaiah 30:21
*      God’s purpose to restore the earth to a paradise will be fulfilled under his Kingdom and by appointing Jesus Christ, his son. – Daniel 2:44, Isaiah 9:6

When and how God’s Kingdom will bring back the earth into paradise? There are many more prevailing truths that we can trust from the Bible. We just need to buy out time to spend reading it!                                                                                                                                                                       

Tuesday 14 June 2011


Walk the Line (Movie)

I usually enjoy watching movies based on true to life story and listening to country music. So I can't really forget the movie "Walk the line." I've watched this movie recently. I'm still fascinated about good and touching stories. Walk the Line is an American biographical drama film directed by James Mangold in 2005. The cast of the film are Joaquin Pheonix and Reese Witherspoon. This is base on the life of country music artist Johnny Cash.

In this film, they highlighted his life story from the scratch until he become  famous from music industry. Even the bad things happened to him like habitual taking drugs and alcohol, afterwards his behaviour became erratic. He was a good husband and provider for his family but eventually fall in love to June Carter. However, this is the reality of life in which most of the artist in the music or movie industry turns into something  that you would not expect.

The acting is very good, especially the key scene or script line they convey in the film through the title of the song. Joaquin and Reese portray the characters really great as well as the song. Not only they are lookalike with real person but also they are the best suitable artist for that kind of film.

I would definitely recommend this film because of moral values that could get by the viewers. It's really a good movie and touching story. This was proven by being nominated for five Academic Awards. Joaquin and Reese won as the Best Actor and Best Actress in the Leading Role, along with many other recognitions.

If you get a chance, see the movie.

Monday 6 June 2011

Speaking Portfolio 4th Blog (week10)

Context of the conversation
May 21, Saturday, I am usually working in the weekends because I was given a work permit for 20 hours so I'm very glad that I could practiced straight away what I've learned from the class. This conversation is about how to make a report when there is a complaint. I asked one of my colleague about this.

Cultural aspect or differences
One thing I remembered when I'm talking to my colleague was not appropriate to ask them about " how much they earning or wages because it was to personalise but compared to our country there is no problem, they won't mind. In my the job interview before it is alright to negotiate about the wages you prefer or expect.

Critical Reflection
This conversation is very usual for me because I've been working in the rest home for six months now so I don't find any difficulties talking to them right now compared in my first few weeks. I asked my co-worker directly "How to make a report when there is a complaint by the residents or us if there's any? She had  showed me a complaint letter or a form that needs to fill-up, then make a report from a diary or log book. It ended when we realised that the smoko time had gone or finished and she said, "well, time is up we need to continue working."

Evaluation of the conversation 
In our conversation, I usually ask what is the meaning of the word she said if I didn't understand, or sometimes I ask to spell it because sometimes I know the words but they pronounce it differently. When I forget the words or the right word for the sentences, I tried to explain, give example or illustrate for them to understand then I said, " did you get what I mean or did you understand. Like what I mentioned before I struggled so much in the conversation with them because most of them are Pacific Islander but now, I feel comfortable and confident talking to them. It flows smoothly even though sometimes she talks so fast.

Vocabulary and Linguistic Features
She said like "that man is very nuisance today" "he barricade himself" "he is a bit strafe" because while we were having our breaks, I need to look after one of the residents that has a Alzheimer disease so I've learned or heard some of these words. About the topic I've learned "needs to be black and white" means if we are going to do a report or complaint. It has to be written down clearly and be specific with the report. It needs to report immediately any observed anticipated health and dangers happened. In addition, it must ensure that complainant's privacy, dignity and confidentiality is respected and under no circumstance compromised. State the nature of the complaint. After that I said " its very complicated to do the report because it is a legal document." "I clarify about the designation." "What about if there's a contravention about the residents if they don't tell the truth." then she said "what do you mean contravention?" I answered: "contrast or conflict." I used fillers like "I guest and You know" when I explain something.
The Tongan and Maori got a little bit of similarity of intonation and pitch. Now we are learning about intonation and I found out that through pitch or intonation of the speaker, we could understand the different meaning, feelings and attitude of the speaker. And also what country they came from, so probably I will continue focusing and analysing on this part.

Sunday 5 June 2011

Speaking Portfolio 3rd Blog (Week9)

Context of the conversation
May 13, Friday at 2pm, I had another appointment in career centre with Michelle Daly. She is a student employment advisor which help the student how to write or upgrade(update) curriculum vitae (CV) and also cover letter. This was advised by Yolanda as one of the pathway that I need to do because I am looking for full-time job.

Cultural aspect or difference
Although, I didn't find any new cultural differences or cultural aspect in our conversation but it reminds me  something about New Zealand that asking the age or year of birth is not appropriate because she asked me "would you mind if I asked some details about you and this was one of the question." then I said no, it's fine. And also I remembered in some of my interview that I need to fill-up. They don't specify asking about the age just on bracket that you need to tick. Now, I understand the reason why. Compare to our country we don't mind to ask the age and in every application you need to specify your age and complete date birth.

Critical Reflection 
Our conversation flows really well because she talks slowly and very clear so I don't find difficulties with her like usual conversation with native speaker. This is what I realised and observed to myself and with educated native speaker. First, about myself when I'm talking I could easily answered and understand the words that they want to convey except when I feel nervous I can't say anything at all but that is natural. Second about educated native speaker they are very polite and they pronounce the words clearly, not like conversation with normal native speaker. I don't experienced any lacking of vocabulary  in this situation because I had this before in the Philippines but on that time I struggled so much because of nervousness. I only use hesitation in the beginning because I don't have the cover letter print out but it was in my email and I asked her if it's alright to print it out. I knew it's not appropriate or proper in that kind of situation. It has to be prepared that's why I said Ah! ahh! I'm very sorry, I thougth what I've got here in my flash drive is the latest CV with cover letter.

Evaluation of the conversation
I think, I've done really well hear also because I don't encounter any problem with my speaking and listening. The usual or typical word we used in introducing our selves in first meet. For example, she said "Hi! I'm Michelle and you must be Laylani? then I answered "Yes I'm Laylani Bayutas nice to meet you." She answered back "Nice to meet you also" It ended with my sentence like "Thank you very much for your time." she said "It's my pleasure to help student like you to persue a better career." I tried to used what I've learned from the class the encouragement like "yeah, your right, okay" because she asked "maybe it's better to put interest rather than skills." I remembered only one word I asked to repeat, I said "sorry come again. What do you mean by speculative? When she said speculation, my brain works with the spelling and word family to get the meaning even though she still explaining about it. I think every time, I talked to professional native speaker, I don't have problem. I did very well.

Vocabulary and Linguistic Features
Michelle said "what sort of job your looking for? There are different between applying for a job with advertisement and speculative job. The more chances you interact with the people the more opportunity you may have. Your objectives and cover letter are very in general, should be specific. What do you think your qualities or skills? To overview your situation." then I replied "At the moment I don't nee to be fussy or choosy. I'm preferred to be more flexible to suit in any kind of job. I don't mind working in the rest home or as a cleaner or janitors. We talked about skilled profile, professional development, being hard worker and punctuality.
I don't find any linguistic features maybe because my brain doesn't focus anymore with it or probably I'm used to it. However, At the beginning when she asked me what sort of job your looking for? I answered: At the moment...(the same as the above) then she said "okey so it's just like speculative job search." I answered "something like that but actually I'm working already as health care assistant part time" Michelle said "Oh! really so what is the purpose of" then I explained "that I'm looking full time job offer in order to help my residency and at the same time I can afford to bring my kids to school" then she overview the information I gave before we proceed the conversation. What I've learned from this, I have to answer directly to the question before I mention any topic or situation. And also I need to continue memorising, searching new vocabulary especially word family that will help my successful conversation to any native speakers.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Speaking Portfolio 2nd Blog (Week8)

Context of the conversation
May 9, 2011, I had an appointment with Yolanda van den Bemd from career center at Unitec. She is a career consultant and I asked for an advise for my career pathway. It lasted for an hour and I'm happy on the outcome of our conversation. Not only she gave me a clear view of decision or path way but also I feel comportable with her as I'm talking to my mother, what a coincidence that she has the same name with my mother.

Cultural Difference
I don't remember or find any cultural aspect or differences in our conversation. However, I've noticed myself that when I'm talking to native speaker, I could follow out the way they talk not like with the other speakers such as Asian, Pacific Islander and Indian. And also I find out that the career center is fully supportive to the student until they find the career that are suited or satisfied to them even they are not enrolled anymore not like in our country. If your not enrolled or you are already finished studies the obligation was also finished.

Critical Reflection
Our conversation flows very well because I'm prepared for the conversation. I know what to ask or the purpose of this appointment. This is one of my strength in Spoken English if I'm prepared and knew what is going to talk about, there will be no problem at all. She introduced herself and great me then I said: " finally, we've met, I'm glad to meet you" because before that appointment, we talked over the phone about my concerns before I started this semester. Our conversation ended with the words like, "I'm very please and happy with your advised, Thank you very much for your time and she answered; "It's my pleasure to help you, Hope to see you again." She speaks very clear that's why I don't find any difficulties.

Evaluation of the conversation
This appointment is the continuation only of our conversation over the phone, so it works really well. To keep the conversation going, she say encouragement like "mmh, yeah, okay go on," because at first I'm the one who's talking so much then on her turn I tried to do the same and also I said "Your right, its true" "sort of, maybe." I don't find any language problems except for one question she asked: "How did you noticed about career centre? then I replied "sorry" but it doesn't mean I don't understand, it's just happened that I'm thinking another thing or concern to ask for her. Anyway, she explain to another sentence like "How did I get the information about career centre." then I replied: "Through Margaret Ghio she refers me to seek an advise here."

Vocabulary and Linguistic Features
Yolanda mentioned about "In my perspective view after listening to you..""Your so amazing with your creativity.""Your naturally good at" because I showed her my portfolio in Interior Design. " to make it less stressful and less pressure to you" "Does it sound logic to you?" or "Does it make sense to you" "you need to up to date your CV."
I tried to explain my situation, "what's bothering me, I can't concentrate with something, I'm planing to pursue my studies to become a teacher of arts someday because I would like to share my knowledge or talent." And also "I don't want to be fuzzy when it comes to job as long as they would give me a job offer that would help my resident application with the immigration. Sometimes, I had hesitation like "ah" because I forgot the word but instead of keep saying "ah" I would rather tell the truth that I can't remember the word. I mentioned The word "exposed." then she said "yeah,your right."
With this experienced it builds up more my confidence in speaking to native speaker. Although, I find myself easy to talk to native speaker compared to others I need to be consistent with my pronunciation and tried to be less accented.

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Speaking Portfolio 1st blog (Week 7)

Speaking Portfolio 1st Blog
Context of the conversation
May 7, 2011,Saturday evening after work my step-father pick me up so that I could stay on the boat from West Marina and it would be easy for me to travel back to work early in the morning rather than to go back home all the way from North Shore. We usually had conversation everything under the sun.

Cultural Difference
I'm used of calling my step-father "Dad" ever since because in our culture if someone got married and they had children, they usually call the step-parents as Dad or Mum for showing respect and acceptance for being a family. However, here in New Zealand is different, they just call them by names sometimes.

Critical Reflection   
I usually had conversation with him. I am already familiar with his spoken features and attitude so I don't find any difficulties in our conversation. Social conversation is my strength because I'm already used to it. It always started by asking about the work and about my studies, for example, "How's your work? What about the old bugger are they grumpy today, aren't they? Are you tired, aren't you? He asked "old bugger" because I'm working in the rest home. Afterwards, I asked him "How about your work? Did you work today?" Because sometimes he did not go to work on Saturday especially if it is raining. He works in construction company for roadworks. Our warming conversation ends when it's bedtime.

Evaluation of the conversation
This conversation flows smoothly even he suddenly used slang word or idiomatic expressions that more often used by the native speaker. It may cause problems with communication especially if it is your first time to hear these kind of words. Although, in conversation we have an opportunity to ask questions or clarification when we don't understand something. We don't need to be afraid or shy. I usually answered back or replied as " pardon Dad or sorry can you say that again, could you explain it to me Dad, I didn't quite get it." then his going to explain it. Instead of I'm going to answer "Yes I did" I said "Yes indeed" but I'm not sure if that was correct, anyway he didn't react so probably it was correct. My fillers or hesitation usually umm! Ah! or I'm going to say "it was in the tip of my tongue can you read it Dad." but I'm just kidding because I can't remember the words. Sometimes I tried to illustrate or give an example so that he could understand what I'm tying to say. He frequently said "carry on."

Vocabulary and Linguistic Features
Every time I'm talking to my step-father, I always learn new things or words, for example he mentioned about "Pak a road my car again,""going frog and toad," " going apple and pears" and I said to your mum "I give you a bell when I get there." " I bought a lemon" with my car. Then I said "why you need to buy a lemon for your car?" I thought it was a flavour of car freshener. He was talking about his car which was broken down and he bought a parts for it but it was wrong. And also about the road or place where he bought the things for the car, then he gave a call or ring to my mum. Sometimes, if I used a word that is not common like I was exhausted and starving. He is going to answer "What a big word is that" just teasing me because I'm learning something.
I've noticed about linguistic feature with the native speaker were often used of slang words, idiomatic expression and especially tag question which we don't have in our first language. So these are some of the important feature of spoken English that I need to focus or to developed in the future.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Place to visit

TBS2 Blog Report
Laylani Bayutas


I visited one of the most stunning places in West Auckland of New Zealand. It offers the breathtaking natural beauty, dramatic black sand beaches of the Waitakere Ranges and the Kumeu Valley-Auckland’s unique tourist attraction. It is only 30 minutes far way from Auckland Airport and the city.

Place to visit:

Muriwai is the great place to see the wonderful display of the gannet bird of colony. Not only the spectacular landscape of vineyard from Kumeu Valley but also the hot summer feeling of the black sand beach nearby. The wild surf beach of Piha is also fascinating to observe.

Place to stay:

Although I stayed in West Park Marina with my parent’s boat, they provide Piha lodge and Seagulls Rest for accommodation. You have the choice of private restful suite in the stunning surround of Auckland west coast or the luxury of panoramic sea and bush view of your own private deck.

Essential Adventure:

Waitakere Forest attract visitors to experience such as bush walk, eco tour, go canyoning and abseil down the side of waterfalls, even night visits to see the glow worms.


Escape sometimes from hectic and tiring society West Auckland is the best option.